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Holy crap, this staring contest with Ronda Rousey is SO INTENSE!

No way. Like, no. Can't do it. I'll be honest. I BLINKED! I can't even HANDLE the power of Ronda Rousey's stare. And what's even more intense is the Cinnamon Swirl French Toast Sandwich brought to you buy Carl's Jr.. That shit is fucking CRAY-ZEE! I mean, yeah, I'll stare down Ronda Rousey for one of those babies. How else am I going to get the power to stay up and watch Bellator all night? CARBOLOAD! Yeah!

This interactive marketing is INSANE! How they were able to somehow harness the burning eyes of the one, the only Ronda Rousey and then pit the world against her in a staring contest with the prize being a delicious hybrid sandwich I'll never know.