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Holloway Wants To Leave A Lasting Legacy

If you’ve spent even the slightest amount of time following Max Holloway’s career, you realize he’s a model of consistency in a multitude of ways.

In interviews, you’ll hear “it is what it is” at least a few times. His walkout always ends with “Hawaiian Kickboxer” by Moke Boy. Ask him about an upcoming title defense, and he’ll remind you to be the best, you have to beat the best, and “the best is Blessed.”

Watch enough of his fights, and you realize that’s not a cocksure claim but something closer to a stone-cold fact. In terms of his personal goals, though, Holloway is – you guessed it - consistent in saying he’s focused less on title defenses and more on building what Tywin Lannister described in Game of Thrones as “what remains of you when you’re gone.