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Gabi Garcia 28 Pounds Overweight for Rizin Bout in Shocking Weigh-in Fail

Related Topics: Shinobu Kandori, Gabi Garcia

The Rizin FF fight between women's heavyweight Gabi Garcia and 53-year-old pro wrestler-turned-politician Shinobu Kandori was already a strange one, but things got weirder at Thursday morning's weigh-in. Garcia posted one of the worst weigh-in misses of all time in a major MMA promotion, tipping the scale at 237 pounds, 28 pounds over the 209-pound weight limit.

The egregious blunder left fans and media in attendance surprised, and Kandori—who checked in at 162 pounds—was incensed on stage:

Kandori and Garcia have had a bitter rivalry since the two were first scheduled to fight in 2016.