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For Urijah Faber and TJ Dillashaw, the line is blurred between mentor and tormentor

In terms of miniature drama, the thing going on with TJ Dillashaw, Team Alpha Male, the Elevation Fight Team, Urijah Faber, California’s capital city of Sacramento and the town’s best-known peanut butter salesman Duane "Bang" Ludwig is really pretty colorful under a microscope.

TJ Dillashaw was a wide-eyed prospect who found his legs in Faber’s gym. Six years into the discovery, those same legs walked out. He’s headed to Colorado for his fight-related doings. Even though the split felt like a year in the making (what with the ripening feud going on between Dillashaw’s go-to coach Ludwig and his teammate Faber), to hear fans tell it this has become an off-Broadway production of "Subterfuge.