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Fight Archives: Vintage Vitor Belfort pummels Wanderlei Silva in UFC’s Brazil debut

I’m sure you all remember Vintage Vitor Belfort. Excuse me, that’s “Victor” for all you ‘90s UFC fans. Questionable substances aside, the man knew how to put on a show through his own brand of unrelenting violence.

If you ask me which one of Belfort’s pre-USADA fights stands out, it’ll always be the first UFC event in Brazil (a.k.a UFC 17.5) in 1998. It was when the 21-year-old “Phenom” took out a fellow lethal finisher in the form of a 22-year-old Wanderlei Silva.

There are so many notable mentions in this clip to signify the UFC’s toddler years: Mike Goldberg’s higher-pitched voice, Bruce Buffer’s minimalist suit, shirtless dudes in the crowd, a baby-faced Big John McCarthy.