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Fedor Emelianenko in ‘shock’ after seeing countrymen fleeing Putin’s military draft

On Sep. 21, Russian president Vladimir Putin announced a “partial mobilization” in Russia, marking the country’s first mobilization since the second world war. Shortly thereafter, the country’s defense ministry, Sergei Shoigu, revealed that 300,000 Russians “with previous military experience” would be drafted.

In the wake of Putin’s announcement, tens of thousands of Russian citizens have attempted to leave the country in order to avoid being drafted for the war. Many lined up along the country’s southern border with Georgia, with more than 90,000 Russians crossing into Georgia in the past two weeks.

As footage continues to show cars waiting for days to approach the border, Russian MMA legend Fedor Emelianenko admitted he was surprised to see so many of his countrymen become draft dodgers.