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Edgar: Conor McGregor is ‘next best thing’ if I don’t get to fight Max Holloway for the title

11-year UFC veteran and former lightweight champion Frankie Edgar only wants big fights for himself, and rightly so. One of the matchups he is now eyeing on is a possible featherweight title fight against current 145-pound champion Max Holloway.

Edgar and Holloway had been slated to face each other twice already, at UFC 218 in 2017 and UFC 222 in March, but injuries on both men had caused the matchup to fall through. Instead, Edgar was dealt his first knockout loss at UFC 222 by Brian Ortega, which ultimately derailed his shot at the title.

Currently ranked number three behind Ortega and Jose Aldo respectively, “The Answer” feels a title shot is the only sensible next move to make.