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Dream-Casting the Upcoming, Female-Centric Road House Reboot, Starring Ronda Rousey

Roadhouse, with women’s bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey starring in the titular role of “Dalton Roadhouse” (don’t fact-check that) originally played by Patrick Swayze.

But with only one key role filled, we figured we might as well do our part to ensure that this movie sucks as little as possible — what with us being the pulse of the MMA-movie world and all all. You know what this means: It’s dream-casting time.

Eddie Redmayne as “Doc”

eddie redmayne
kelly lynch

Perhaps the most prominent question fans of the original Road House have been asking of the remake is, “How is Ronda Rousey suppose to f*ck her romantic interest on the wall of a rustic cabin?