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Donald Cerrone on Mike Perry: Old ‘Cowboy’ would have ‘met this dude in the lobby and beat his ass’

Beyond all the Shakespearean intrigue that surrounds Saturday night’s co-main event, one thing that has grown apparent during UFC Denver fight week is the maturation of Donald Cerrone. Yes, the hot-blooded wildman has become something of an even-keeled elder statesman right before our eyes, one content to merely smirk and shrug at the in-fighting and treachery that followed Mike Perry’s arrival to New Mexico and Cerrone’s split from his longtime team at JacksonWink. The “Cowboy” of 2018 is a much different man than the “Cowboy” of yesteryear, that much is certain.

Gone are the emotions that once blinded Cerrone to Nate Diaz for lesser slights.