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Don Frye would sell his house for CM Punk vs Green Ranger, rooting for 'fellow white man' McGregor

Check out Don Frye comments about a potential bout in CM Punk vs. Jason David Frank, and Jose Aldo vs. Conor McGregor.

Don Frye is being Don Frye again. The UFC legend was a guest at Submission Radio, and apart from telling Ronda Rousey to 'shut the hell up', he also weighed in on other big name bouts in MMA. First off, he spoke about the upcoming featherweight title fight between Jose Aldo and Conor McGregor.

"I’ll go with one of my fellow white man," Frye said. "Seeing as everyone's white and black and racist today, I’m going to pull out my race card and go with the crazy 'Mick'.