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Dominick Cruz says T.J. Dillashaw will return to UFC stronger than ever

Add Dominick Cruz to the small but growing number of fighters who aren’t willing to throw T.J. Dillashaw under the bus for his positive drug test for EPO.

Dillashaw, the former two-time bantamweight champion, voluntarily relinquished his title before the United States Anti-Doping Agency USADA handed him a two year suspension (retroactive Jan. 19, 2019) earlier this month.

The 33-year-old has since apologized for his misconduct but hasn’t found much sympathy from his fellow fighters.

Speaking to ESPN’s Ariel Helwani in a recent interview, Cruz, who edged out a split decision win over Dillashaw back in 2016, said he feels sorry for his ex-opponent but believes the former champ will return to the Octagon stronger than ever.