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Dillon Danis Recounts Events Leading Up To The Post-UFC 229 Brawl

The high-profile main event at UFC 229 last October between Khabib Nurmagomedov and Conor McGregor was overshadowed by the ugly post-fight brawl in which Nurmagomedov leapt into the crowd to attack McGregor’s teammate, Dillon Danis.

The tension between both sets of camps was already palpable before the fight and was fueled several months earlier when Nurmagomedov and his team surrounded another of McGregor’s team mates, Artem Lobov, in a hotel lobby just days before the UFC 233 which was held in April in Brooklyn, New York. Upon hearing of the confrontation, McGregor flew to New York and attacked the fighter bus that “The Eagle” was on.