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Diego Brandao hit with potential USADA violation for smoking the reefer during in-competition testing

The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) has notified UFC that Diego Brandao tested above the decision limit of 180 ng/mL for Carboxy-Tetrahydrocannabinol ("Carboxy-THC") which is a metabolite of marijuana and/or hashish.

The sample was collected from an in-competition test taken immediately following his UFC 195 fight on Jan. 2, 2016 in Las Vegas after losing to Brian Ortega.

In-competition is defined as the 12 hours before and after a fight.

USADA, the independent administrator of the UFC Anti-Doping Policy, will handle the results management and appropriate adjudication of this case involving Brandao, as it relates to the UFC Anti-Doping Policy and future UFC participation.