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CZW Results; Cage of Death News

CZW Results; Cage of Death News

CZW “Tangled Web” Quick Results – 10.10.15:
New Jersey – Combat Zone at Flyers Skate Zone: Poseidon and his Sea Friends defeated Frankie Pickard, Nate Carter, & Dave McCall…Lio Rush pinned Aaron Williams…Neiko Sozio pinned Pepper Parks…AR Fox pinned Joe Gacy…CZW World Tag champions Dan Barry & Bill Carr retained over John Silver & Alex Reynolds…Joey Janela tapped out Tim Donst to win the CZW Wired TV Title…Honorary CZW Junior Heavyweight champion Greg Excellent retained over Dick Justice…MASADA pinned Rory Gulak…JT Dunn pinned David Starr…CZW World Heavyweight champion Matt Tremont retained over BLK Jeez…In the Tangled Web match, Danny Havoc, Devon Moore, Lucky tHURTeen, & Conor Claxton defeated Jake Crist, Dave Crist, Alex Colon, & Eric Ryan (10.