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Conor McGregor taunts ‘mad little bastard’ Floyd Mayweather in profane Instagram post

After Monday’s surprise announcement that Floyd Mayweather would participate in a bout with kickboxing prodigy Tenshin Nasukawa on Dec. 31 in a vaguely defined exhibition bout in Japan at RIZIN 14, you knew it wouldn’t take long for Conor McGregor would respond.

McGregor, after all, was the undefeated boxing superstar’s first crossover opponent, losing via 10th-round TKO in an Aug. 2017 boxing match which did blockbuster business.

And indeed, “The Notorious” chimed in on Monday with an expletive-riddled post on Instagram, taunting his former opponent.

“Is that a tracksuit or a sauna suit Floyd haha wtf,” the post read.