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Conor McGregor Releases First Video of Him Sparring in Ages, Focus on Grappling

For the first time since his superfight with Floyd Mayweather, Conor McGregor has posted video of him back in the gym.

Over the past few months, McGregor has teased fans with photos of his training. Now, he gives everyone a glimpse from above with video. Much like his recent photos, the video showcases his focus on grappling.

Damon Martin

@evolution_1085 Nate is a natural lightweight and GSP has teased a move down to lightweight and with a win that would set up a fight against Conor McGregor.

With Khabib Nurmagomedov holding the lightweight strap, and a potential superfight with Georges St-Pierre on the table, it is no wonder why the Irish star is working on his mat game.