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Conor McGregor predicts first-round knockout of 'cholo gangster' Nate Diaz at UFC 196

Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) featherweight champion Conor McGregor came face-to-face with Nate Diaz for the first time on Wednesday (Feb. 24, 2016) during the UFC 196 pre-fight press conference after the duo was booked to scrap on March 5, 2016, following the withdrawal of Rafael dos Anjos due to a broken foot.

As expected, the verbal warfare was in full effect, as both McGregor and Diaz had plenty to say about their upcoming fight.

In the end, however, Nate was no match for the mouth of "Notorious," as the fiery Irishman had words for days, blasting the Stockton slugger for acting like a "cholo gangster" every day of the week except on Sunday, when he takes the time to take bike rides with the elderly and help train kids.