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Conor McGregor calls Rafael dos Anjos a 'traitor,' vows to behead him for Brazilian people

Conor McGregor didn't waste any time to start the trash talk.

Just seconds after the UFC officially announced the fight between he and Rafael dos Anjos, McGregor to Facebook and slammed the lightweight champion. McGregor called dos Anjos a "traitor" to the Brazilian people and vowed to "behead" him in the name of "Las Brasilia."

"[Mr. McGregor] has chosen to dedicate this demolition job to the loyal people of Brazil and all the fans around the globe who stay true to their roots and loyal to their land," McGregor's Facebook post said. "Mr. McGregor has said that Rafael is a traitor to his people and vows to "behead the 'American Gringo' Rafael Dos Anjos, in the name of La Brasilia!