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‘Con artist Josh Fabia’ is using you - Rashad Evans urges Sanchez to get rid of ‘parasite’

Former UFC champion Rashad Evans has pleaded with Diego Sanchez to the ‘parasite’ head coach Josh Fabia out of his life.

Sanchez was supposed to conclude his 16-year UFC career with a fight against fellow veteran Donald Cerrone on May 8th. In a sudden turn of events, Sanchez was pulled from the fight and released from the UFC.

It would later be revealed, largely thanks to video released on Sanchez’s social media, that Fabia was at the center of his fighter’s release. Fabia does not have the best reputation in the MMA community, with the likes of Dana White, Michael Bisping, James Krause and several others having choice words for the controversial figure that now serves as Sanchez’s coach, manager, trainer, nutritionist and guru.