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Close calls out on the oil fields pushed Rudy Schaffroth back towards MMA

Rudy Schaffroth had always planned to continue fighting after his amateur wrestling career was over. It just took some time (and a near-death experience or two) to get the ball rolling.

Long before becoming an unbeaten heavyweight prospect, the 32-year-old Schaffroth was a standout wrestler growing up in the area of Oregon now known as Damascus, formerly of Clackamas County. After high school, he bounced around at a few colleges, where he continued to compete when he was academically eligible.

First, it was Portland State, a situation that Schaffroth blames himself for spoiling due to having a bad attitude; then Schaffroth ended up at Clackamas Community College, where he rebuilt his reputation on the mats enough to receive a scholarship offer from Montana State University-Northern.