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Beyond the Octagon: Hong Man Choi, Mighty Mo victorious, UFC vets go 5-3

A look at what MMA's big-show veterans are up to on the regional circuit.

You've been binging on fight results all weekend, sure, but there's nothing like some hair of the dog to make your Monday a little more tolerable. First up are results from Road FC's latest foray into China, highlighted by the semifinal round of the promotion's openweight tournament.

In the headliner, K-1 champion and k-pop star Hong Man Choi (4-4, 1-1 Dream) advanced to the finals on the strength of a first-round TKO of Aorigele (2-3-0).

The bout, which looked like some sort of high-stakes Abbot and Costello routine gone sideways, took place largely in the clinch, with the much shorter Aorigele repeatedly backing "The Techno Goliath" up against the fence before lunging forward behind a hail of overhand lefts and rights.