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Bellator vet discharged from hospital after being shot six times, plans to resume MMA career

Shahbulat Shamhalaev has been discharged from hospital but plans to resume his MMA career as soon as possible.

Three weeks after being shot six times, including a bullet that grazed his head, Shahbulat Shamhalaev has been discharged from hospital in Dagestan.

The former Bellator tournament winner and title challenger arrived at the hospital on June 1 with six bullet holes punctured throughout his body. Doctors operated immediately and were able to stabilize his condition. Shamhalaev was eventually placed in an induced coma and his vital organs were saved from any lasting damage.

Once Shamhalaev awoke from the coma, the fighter attempted to escape the confines of the hospital, and even made it as far as the courtyard before he was stopped by security.