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Bellator 262 video: Said Sowma sleeps UFC vet Ronny Markes with one-punch KO in 69 seconds

Said Sowma made short work of his friend and occasional training partner.

Sowma (7-2) slept UFC veteran Ronny Markes just 69 seconds into the pair’s undercard bout Friday night at Bellator 262. The 28-year-old stalked his American Top Team teammate from the opening bell before landing a wicked left hook that turned Markes’ lights out.

Markes (19-9) initially complained about the stoppage, but it was clear that referee Dan Miragliotta made the right decision. Watch a replay of the knockout above and below.

Sowma and Markes are stablemates and infrequent sparring partners at American Top Team, but with both men coming off losses in their respective Bellator debuts, they had no choice but to collide Friday — potentially with their promotional futures on the line.