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Arek Wrzosek On His Badr Hari Fight ‘Too Many Emotions’

Related Topics: Badr Hari, Poland, Glory, Canada

“I was very excited and I don’t remember really, I can’t remember,” recently Arkadiusz Wrzosek sat down with MMA Sucka to discuss his Badr Hari head kick knockout victory and upcoming rematch. “I was very excited and very happy after the knockout. But I can’t remember a few minutes after the fight… Too many emotions.” Arkadiusz Wrzosek and Badr Hari first fought in September. Wrzosek won this fight via head kick knockout, and was one of the best knockouts of the year. The two, Wrzosek and Hari, will be rematching at GLORY 80, which is March 19, 2022.