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Anonymous WWE employee claims they’re ‘forced’ to work during pandemic, WWE responds

One of the strangest things to take place during the coronavirus pandemic was the governor of Florida declaring World Wrestling Entertainment an “essential business” and allowing them to continue filming in Orange county. The pro wrestling organization has taken advantage of this and while it is again going away from live filming soon, they will continue to produce pre-taped television for the upcoming future.

On Tueday a central Florida reporter named Jon Alba, who has been present at most Orange County Board of Commissioner meetings during the pandemic, reported that a note was read from an anonymous individual named “John”, claiming that WWE was forcing them to work and asking the county to abide by the stay at home orders and shut down filming;

“This is from a speaker named John:

‘My employer World Wrestling Entertainment, aka WWE, is forcing me to work the TV tapings for its weekly shows despite stay-at-home orders for coronavirus.