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Alabama Governor’s Office Offers Reward for Missing Daughter of UFC Fighter Walt Harris

I encourage anyone with information about the whereabouts of 19-year-old Aniah Blanchard, who was last seen Oct. 23, to please call *HP or 9-1-1. We continue to pray for Aniah & her family as law enforcement officials work to bring her home. @ALEAprotects @CityofAuburnAL

— Governor Kay Ivey (@GovernorKayIvey) October 30, 2019

The search is ongoing for Aniah Blanchard, the stepdaughter of UFC heavyweight Walt Harris who has been missing since Oct. 23.

On Wednesday, the office of Alabama governor Kay Ivey issued a proclamation offering a $5,000 award for any information leading to the conviction and arrest of any parties responsible for Blanchard’s disappearance.