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Reds Star Joey Votto Swaps Signed Jersey for Fan's T-Shirt During Game

It's no secret that Cincinnati Reds first baseman Joey Votto is a favorite among baseball fans.

A high approval rating wouldn't be enough to get Votto elected Commander in Chief (he's natural-born Canadian, so in accordance with U.S. law, he can't ever be President). However, that didn't stop one fan attending Monday's Reds-Pirates game from getting a headstart on publicly campaigning for Votto's impossible presidency.

During the fourth inning of the game, Votto spotted Ohio native Kyle Olding wearing a "Votto for President" T-shirt near the Cincinnati dugout.

Votto liked the shirt so much, the 2010 NL MVP went up to Olding and swapped his jersey and an autograph for his T-shirt.