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Passan: MLB Losing 2020 Season Is 'Worst-Case Scenario' Amid Financial Debate

Michael Reaves/Getty Images

Major League Baseball is attempting to move toward having a 2020 season amid the coronavirus pandemic, but it is far from guaranteed for multiple reasons.

ESPN's Jeff Passan wrote Tuesday that a "worst-case scenario" of there being no 2020 MLB season remains in play.

Aside from the status of COVID-19 and the difficulties it presents in terms of allowing teams to play while keeping the players, coaches and umpires safe, there are major financial issues at work as well, and they may present the biggest hurdle.

Passan reported that MLB's proposed 50-50 revenue split is a "non-starter" for players and compared it to the 1994 season, which was never completed due to the players' resistance to a salary cap.