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Nick Markakis Retires After 15 Seasons with Braves, Orioles

Veteran MLB outfielder Nick Markakis announced his retirement Friday after 15 seasons with the Baltimore Orioles and Atlanta Braves.

Both the Orioles and Braves congratulated Markakis:

Baltimore Orioles ud83dude37

Congrats to Nick Markakis on his retirement from baseball after an incredible 15-year career. Thank you for the memories, the hustle, and your countless contributions to this organization. Best of luck in your next chapter, Nick!

Per The Athletic (h/t ESPN), Markakis said: "I tell myself all the time, whether it is now or if I was fortunate enough to get that opportunity to be a Hall of Famer—to get that many hits—that 3,000 hits or 2,400 hits, it's not going to define the player that I was.