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Meet Michael Kopech, the Flamethrowing Top Prospect Debuting for the White Sox

The latest top prospect has arrived. On Tuesday night in Chicago, righthander Michael Kopech will take to the mound for the White Sox in his major league debut against the Twins. Ranked in the top 20 of all three prospect lists this offseason and No. 15 on Baseball Prospectus’ midseason top 50, Kopech is the latest big name to float up from the minors. But what do you need to know about him before his start? Let’s meet Michael Kopech.

So what are his vitals?

Kopech is straight out of Pitching Prospect Central Casting: He’s built big, standing 6’ 3” and weighing 205 pounds; hails from Texas; and was drafted out of high school, in this case with the 33rd pick of the 2014 draft by the Red Sox.