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Tramaine Isabell has turned into Wes Clark since Clark left

Related Topics: Tramaine Hawkins

Your Trifecta: Rosburg-Isabell-Phillips

Your Season Totals: Your Season Totals: Puryear 34, Phillips 25, Wright 23, Clark 18, Rosburg 18, Walton 15, Gant 14, Isabell 13, VanLeer 7, Woods 5, Allen 2. Freshmen 81, sophomores 52, juniors 23, seniors 18.

Isabell, lips pursed, tried to remain calm. He took his frustrations out on the basketball instead of exploding at the officials. Isabell dribbled the ball hard with both hands three times. Thud. Thud. Thud. The sound rang through Mizzou Arena's dead air. Isabell clearly still wanted to win, still thought the team could win, even if no one else did.