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Recruiting Reset: Jaren Sensabaugh brings physicality, speed to Mizzou’s secondary

In our current iteration of football, throwing the ball is the best way for an offense to move and score points.

There are tons of quarterbacks who are well prepared to throw in college offenses, and you can dumb down routes so that a super-fast-and-or-super-tall-guy can make plays without a lot of effort and just a ton of repetition. Plus, penalties associated with throwing the ball (roughing the passer, pass interference, etc.) go for so much more yardage than other penalties that it just makes sense to have an offense featuring the forward pass.

That era might be on the downswing but it’s still the era we are in, so those who throw and catch the ball — QBs, WRs, TEs to a certain extent — and those who are there to stop a successful throw and catch — DEs, CBs — are extremely valuable.