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Happy Rally for Rhyan Eve! Could Saturday be the Tigers’ first SEC win?

It’s here! The Rally for Rhyan annual game is here!

In case you are not familiar with why this game came to be and why it’s so important, here’s the details: Brad Loos was a former Tigers’ assistant coach under Kim Anderson when his daughter, Rhyan, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma at age 5. To help raise money for pediatric cancer research, the Loos family started the Rally for Rhyan fund. While Rhyan has now been cancer-free since December 16, the fight still goes on. With over $800K raised since its inception (guessing on the exact number- it was 500k before the 2020 game), the Loos family has been able to fund numerous pediatric cancer trials, and hopes to continue to fight to stop pediatric cancer with your help.