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Mississippi State Bulldogs Defeat Houston to Sweep Bulldog Kickoff Classic

For the third time in a row in the young 2016 season, Mississippi State picked up a come from behind victory with the Bulldogs downing Houston 7-1 Sunday at Nusz Park in Starkville to complete play in the Bulldog Kickoff Classic.

Houston (3-2) took advantage of a couple of singles in the top of the second inning, including an RBI single from Katie St. Pierre to take a 1-0 lead.

Mississippi State (5-0) freshman, Sarai Niu provided a quick answer for the Bulldogs, leveling the game at 1-1 with her second home run of the season.

The Bulldogs added three runs in the fourth when freshman Kat Moore picked up her first RBI of her Mississippi State career, and freshman Emily Heimberger picked up the first triple of her career, which drove in two more runs.