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Ole Miss Power Rankings return after some time in thought

We’re back for another dispatch from the mezzanine of the J.D. Williams Library, which is not crowded during finals week because only a select few know how to find its levels. Outside of baseball and softball, it was a relatively slow weekend, which is a good thing because no news in out-of-season sports is the best kind of news.

For a recap of last week’s hotly contested polls, you can get caught up here. While you’re doing that, the rest of us are on to the consistently inconsistent Power Rankings.

(1) Ole Miss Baseball BACK (AGAIN) (MAYBE)

Fresh off their first series win over LSU in Baton Rouge since the Year of Our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty two, the Diamond Rebels have once again tried to rise from the regional two-seed grave to perhaps be in the conversation for hosting a regional in Oxford.