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Ole Miss baseball falls to Texas A&M, 6-5, loses series

In the world of Seinfeld, “Festivus” is a holiday that falls on Dec. 23 each year, a day filled with many traditions including the “airing of grievances” where family members...well...air their grievances towards one another from the last year.

I would like this post to serve as our very own airing of grievances following Ole Miss’ series loss to Texas A&M, a loss that, frankly, is inexcusable.

Ole Miss is a better baseball team than Texas A&M, and regardless of how you spin it, this weekend shouldn’t have happened the way it did. Even with an injured Gunnar Hoglund, the Rebels should have taken two of three, and they were dang close to doing it on Sunday before pain and despair and boneheadedness unfolded before our very eyes.