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Yes. I do I think my friend Mike Tice would do better than Zimmer

One thing that I think separates any of the UFFda! Sports (our new umbrella brand and upcoming centralized Minnesota Sports news/podcast/YouTube Show/social media app) sites, like or our new Minnesota Wild site, from the competition is the fact that we keep our fingers on the pulse of what fans are talking about.

We often relay that Zeitgeist back to the fans, in a self-perpetuating chicken/egg cycle. That brings us to the topic of today’s article, which stems from a comment on another article I wrote on this week.

I was reacting to the Florio’s comment about the importance of the new offensive coordinator hire on Zimmer’s future (assuming that Kubiak retires) when someone commented the following:

Now, I can see why someone named VikingsSince97 would place on the Mike Tice regime.