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Vikings ask cap guy Rob Brzezinski to pull a rabbit out of that hat

In two-plus decades of managing the NFL salary cap, Rob Brzezinski has negotiated more than $1 billion in contracts and a handful of landmark deals.

He inserted a “poison pill” clause into Steve Hutchinson’s offer sheet, a stealth tactic that cleared a path for him to join the Vikings. Brzezinski also handled contracts that made Randy Moss the highest-paid non-quarterback in the NFL, Jared Allen the highest-paid defensive player in the league, Matt Birk the highest-paid center, Adrian Peterson the highest-paid running back, Harrison Smith the highest-paid safety and, most recently, Kirk Cousins the highest-paid player overall.

Brzezinski has earned a reputation in league circles as a shrewd negotiator who is skilled at tap dancing around the restraints of the salary cap.