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The Minnesota Lynx Are Living ‘A Fairytale Life’ In The Capital of Women’s Basketball This Weekend

Five seconds left. Tie game.

The basketball is in your hands, while you take your mind inside of your favorite player, counting down the seconds in your backyard.

Five. Four. Three. Two.

You let it fly.


You hear the buzzer go off inside your head, feeling the pressure of the moment, as the ball soars towards the rim. When it goes through the net, you recreate the same joy in the driveway you’ve seen your new favorite player experience, soaking in the splendors of the moment on the biggest stage.

Minnesota Lynx head coach and general manager Cheryl Reeve, who is also leading the USA Basketball Women’s National Team through the 2024 Paris Olympics, is excited for the thousands of local young children to go home and recreate those moments after experiencing first-hand the greatness of the incredible women’s basketball talent on display in Minneapolis this weekend.