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Minnesota Timberwolves will not be successful under Glen Taylor


If I had to choose one word to describe the Minnesota Timberwolves under owner Glen Taylor, that would be it. Taylor has made a combination of baffling decisions, reckless, impulsive hires, and corruption that would be enough to make Jimmy Haslam jealous.

Last month, ranked every owner in the NBA. Where did Glen Taylor land? The author(s) ranked him 27th. He beat out only Vivek Ranadive (Kings), Mikhael Prokhorov (Nets), and James Dolan (Knicks).

From the illegal under-the-table agreement with Joe Smith in 1998, to the hiring of the most unqualified General Manager in the history of sports in David Kahn and countless terrible coaches, Taylor has created a toxic culture for the Timberwolves, and he needs to go.