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Everything You Need To Know From Wolves Media Day

Five years ago, I covered my first Wolves’ media day for Canis Hoopus. Flip Saunders led off a string of interviews by selling an exciting youth movement centered around prized rookies, and Bounce Brothers, Andrew Wiggins and Zach LaVine. There were tons of old faces; Ricky Rubio and Kevin Martin sat at the podium as the starting backcourt; J.J. Barea and The Godfather Nikola Pekovic fielded questions as the electric comedy duo; the sophomore boys, Gorgui Dieng and Shabazz Muhammad, were hungry for more playing time after a season of marinating on the bench under Rick Adelman; veterans Thad Young and Mo Williams were being looked towards for “leadership,” as if you thought #MuscleWatch was the most popular training camp narrative.