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Report: Giannis Antetokounmpo, Part-Time Medical Investor, Full-Time Troll, says “Chicago”

At the risk of giving something oxygen that it absolutely doesn’t deserve, local Greek man Giannis Antetokounmpo has, in fact, gone and done it again. Much like the rising and setting of the sun or the inevitable heat death of the universe at large, every summer Giannis has a habit of making an off-the-cuff statement to a media outlet nobody has ever heard of (or will hear from again) about how maybe, just maybe, one day he’ll be a Sacramento King or something.

For Bucks fans, this has become a ritual — for the rest of the dolts that make up basketball’s global fandom (who quite obviously have very little insight into Antetokounmpo as an individual) this is a novelty they can jump all over because, hey, some other dork “superstars” jumped ship before and oh my how fun that all turned out when they fell short and we viciously turned our rhetorical knives on them.