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Milwaukee Bucks vs. Brooklyn Nets Preview: Take The A Train

Before I get to the big matchup between the Milwaukee Bucks and Brooklyn Nets, indulge me for a moment because I’ve spent a lot of time in NYC for work this year, staying in Brooklyn.

There’s a major transfer point under the Nets’ arena for the subway (and Long Island Railroad). It confuses me, though: no fewer than 9 NYC subway lines serve it but there are at least 3 more nearby that don’t actually stop there (including the A) and it’s screwed me up several times. Anyway, the A train doesn’t stop at the Atlantic Avenue-Barclays Center station in Brooklyn, but Marques Johnson was recently pushing the Duke Ellington-inspired nickname for Giannis Antetokounmpo and you can catch the A train two blocks north of the arena at Lafayette Avenue, during late-night hours.