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Milwaukee Bucks – Chicago Bulls: A History Lesson

It took until game 82, the last game of the season, to determine the matchup between the Chicago Bulls and the Milwaukee Bucks.  It was a matchup that Bucks fans wanted no part of, considering the Toronto Raptors, the eventual 4th seed, seemed to be a much more favorable matchup for the Bucks before the dust settled.

But alas, that isn’t the case and we are where we are.

In their first playoff matchup since 1990 (the Bucks are 2-1 against the Bulls in the playoffs historically), the Bucks are a heavy underdog.  The team, especially the probable starters save for Zaza Pachulia, lack playoff experience, especially compared to the veteran laden Bulls (a whopping 434 games for the Bulls compared to the Bucks’ 121 games).