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Gus and Marques Johnson providing fresh perspective on Bucks broadcasts

This isn't just a gig for them. Gus Johnson and Marques Johnson have demanding careers and full appointment calendars and busy personal lives.

They came here, to Milwaukee, because they saw history, beauty and jazz on a basketball court. And because they were filled with nostalgia and respect.

That's why Gus Johnson, 48, and Marques Johnson, 59, understand this young, talented and sometimes maddening Bucks basketball team. They help us appreciate the brilliance that can be unveiled in one great play and then allow for commiseration when everything collapses on the next.

It is that viewpoint and fresh perspective that makes Gus Johnson and Marques Johnson a welcome addition to the Fox Sports Wisconsin TV team, as they now complement the 30-year on-air partnership of Jim Paschke and Jon McGlocklin.