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Premier League beards: From Olivier Giroud to Joe Ledley, Sportsmail assesses the best facial fuzz... but which team comes out on top?

Forget the Premier League title race. It's time to assess the runners and riders for the finest beards on show in the top-flight.

From Joe Ledley's Viking-esque look and Nicolas Otamendi's hipster trim, right through to James Collins' fullsome facial hair and Olivier Giroud's meticulous fuzz, beards are all the rage right now.

But how does your team rank in the facial fuzz stakes? Are they hirsute heroes or beardless blunders?

Here, Sportsmail's very own beard connoisseur Elliott Bretland rates each team's facial hair prowess so far this season.

Beards are all the rage this year with Crystal Palace midfielder Joe Ledley leading the trend
Beards are all the rage this year with Crystal Palace midfielder Joe Ledley leading the trend
West Ham defender James Collins has one of the best beards but how do his team-mates fare?
West Ham defender James Collins has one of the best beards but how do his team-mates fare?