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Ali Brownlee 5K run returns to Middlesbrough

A run in memory of a BBC presenter and football commentator is set to return after three years.

The last Ali Brownlee 5K was held in Middlesbrough in 2019 but subsequent events were cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

It is named in honour of BBC Radio Tees presenter and long-standing Middlesbrough commentator Ali Brownlee, who died in 2016 aged 56.

It is one of three runs around Middlesbrough in September.

Children and adults set off on fun runChildren and adults set off on fun run
Image caption, The Ali Brownlee 5K is for everyone aged 11 upwards

The 5km run on the evening of 2 September kicks off the events organised by Run For All which also include the Middlesbrough 10K and Middlesbrough Fun Run on 4 September.