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Belt’s Beer Garden: What an Enigma

Related Topics: Haaretz, Beer, Northern England, Sheffield

This week my trip through the United Kingdom continues as I have two beers from northern England made with Enigma hops.

Up first, Abbeydale and a new version of their seasonal IPA.

Abbeydale comes from Sheffield in northern England and was founded all the way back in 1996. They keep their staff very busy, producing over 10,000 barrels per year and releasing a new beer every week in addition to their six mainstay beers!

While in Edinburgh, I was able to find the seventh edition of their Voyager IPA.

They seem to release a new Voyager every few months that features new hops/ingredients and, as I said, I snagged their seventh variation which was made with Enigma and Sorachi Ace hops and lime zest.