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Rose Bowl gives the OK, and college football playoffs will expand to 12 | KEN WILLIS

Related Topics: Boo Corrigan, Rose Bowl Stadium

Grandpa has nodded his approval. Begrudgingly, of course, because he’s that way.

College football’s “Be Careful What You Wish For” party, still unable to digest the recent servings jammed down its throat, has announced a new menu item: A 12-team playoff, beginning with the 2024 season.

Prediction: By ’25, many will be crying for an expansion to 16 schools.

“Schools,” I should say.

Overlords from The “Granddaddy of ’em all,” the vaunted and/or sainted Rose Bowl, gave their thumbs-up this week after preserving what it could of Pasadena’s once-a-year hold on a remaining sliver of yesteryear’s pomp and pageantry of the old campus game.