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No bulletin board material from Harbaugh for Michigan State

ANN ARBOR -- Jim Harbaugh, despite often making headlines for offbeat statements, is notoriously tight-lipped when it comes to game plans, injuries, or anything he feels might cost his Michigan football team a competitive advantage on the field.

He took it to a new level on Monday afternoon during his weekly press conference in advance of Michigan's game against Michigan State on Saturday.

"I think we could all use a break from the cliches that have been plowed so thoroughly on both sides," Harbaugh said.

Harbaugh has participated in the trash talking in the past. In December, in response to Michigan State Mark Dantonio's comments about Michigan, not Michigan State, being selected to the Outback Bowl, Harbaugh sent a tweet that read:

"Saw Coach D comments on continuing to 'focus' on how 'he' can beat Michigan.